Thursday, 30 December 2010

Next Project: Collections and Archives

My inspiration for the project was holiday collections, postcards, photographs and things that you might keep as memoirs. During the research stage i carried out my own collection, during a one month placement in Sibiu, Romania. The setting provided me with a beautiful and unique place to base my research.
  • I am really interested in the idea of making textiles magazine. I found a magazine called ‘When my Opera bird sings’ by Vanessa Cuthbert. The book is just images of her artwork, but gorgeous.
  • As well as this i am going to try and knit a garment. After a few demo’s i am really excited to try this. Although i am not as much interested in textiles design for fashion i think this would be a huuuuuuuge achievement for me. wish me luck.
  • I'd also like to do some mixed media artwork. I'm trying to mix knit with print/collage/illustration and embroidery.

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Beautiful Sibiu...
In the summer i did a work placement in a city called Sibiu in Romania. I'd never even heard of the place before and it is such a  beautiful place. My next project is based on my time there, and here are some of my photos. 

Thursday, 25 November 2010

This is some of my old work i found whilst looking for inspiration. I always find by the end of a project i completely despise whatever work i've produced, but looking back on it a couple of years later i'm often pleasantly surprised.

This seemed like an appropriate first post. I bought it for £12 from a charity shop and i think it is the most beautiful thing i own. i love it.
A bit of background info for you: I am a second year student studying Textiles Design. I particularly love texture, colour, and pattern which is why i chose to study textiles further.   I love beautiful things, the aesthetics of art are hugely important to me. I enjoy creating things for practical purposes as well as just for ‘arts sake’, and textiles is all around us. 

Ciao! So, i'm new to the whole blogging thing, and apparently this is my first post. I'm pretty much a computer dunce so apologies in advance for the inevitable mistakes and slow start. but I'm determined to get the hang of it, its my new years resolution. I hope you like it.