Next Project: Collections and Archives
My inspiration for the project was holiday collections, postcards, photographs and things that you might keep as memoirs. During the research stage i carried out my own collection, during a one month placement in Sibiu, Romania. The setting provided me with a beautiful and unique place to base my research.
- I am really interested in the idea of making textiles magazine. I found a magazine called ‘When my Opera bird sings’ by Vanessa Cuthbert. The book is just images of her artwork, but gorgeous.
- As well as this i am going to try and knit a garment. After a few demo’s i am really excited to try this. Although i am not as much interested in textiles design for fashion i think this would be a huuuuuuuge achievement for me. wish me luck.
- I'd also like to do some mixed media artwork. I'm trying to mix knit with print/collage/illustration and embroidery.